Testimonials 2

Dear Christo,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Jen’s Care for the exceptional service we received from you.  Such compassion and kindness is not often received today.

A special thanks to Philisiwe for looking after my sister in her final days. Scarli really took to her and soon Phillie was part of our family. We could not have wished for a better carer for her. 

Your services are exceptional and we highly recommend Jens Care for any family who are contemplating a live-in  carer. Thanking Phillie and you again. It was a sad but comforting end, knowing Scarli was well cared for right to the end.

Best regards,

~Gregg Bezuidenhout~ 

Good morning Christo,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank yourself and Jen’s Care for the excellent service we received in connection to my mother Sylvia Baillie. You were always there to assist and help in every manner , thank you.


Agnes was amazing and an incredible carer, her compassion, professionalism, punctuality, honesty was amazing. She is a wonderful person and I can highly recommend her to anybody – please look after her.

~ Evan Baillie ~


My name is David, I’m Sandra’s husband and therefore Melanie Volschenk’s son in law.  As you can imagine the last few weeks have been very stressful for Sandra. Then to get short notice mum was being discharged really topped it off. I would just like to thank you personally for all the attention and great service you have given us in our arrangements for Mel.  You personal attention and regular help and communication has taken a whole load or worry from my wife.  We look forward to working with you guys and will most probably extend our contract with you at the end of this term.
Thanks again.

~ Davy Ingram~

Hi Christo, Hope you are well.

I just wanted to relay my gratitude towards your organisation. The speed of your response and the ability to organise such a wonderful care giver was beyond professional and both my mom and dad and I truly appreciate that effort.

I would also like to express my absolute awe at Hilda, the caregiver that was looking after my dad. She was professional in the sense that she was always there on time. She was empathetic with my dad but at the same time quite firm where she needed to be. She was so skillful in terms of her nursing and caregiving art. She would ensure that daddy did his exercises; gave him massages and kept him fresh and clean the whole time. Hilda comes highly recommended and she did not disappoint. If my dad comes up to visit again, I would still like her to come and assist. Thanks again to Jen’s Care for all your support.

~Sane ~ 

A HUGE thank you to Christo for making arrangements on such short notice. Cathy was so delighted to have a carer with her (especially on her first night back). She was so anxious to be home alone and having Alice with her was a huge relief. Thank you for going above and beyond to help!

~Samantha Kelly ~ 

Hello Christo

Ek wil weereens baie dankie se vir julle uitstaande, goeie diens. Vanaf die eerste dag het jy uit jou pad uitgegaan om ons te help en my ma is net heeltyd eerste gestel.

Khosi is werklik n Engel wat op die regte tyd oor my ma se pad gekom het. As dit nie vir julle wonderlike diens en omgee was nie, glo ek nie ons sou my ma kon deurtrek nie.

Ek bid en glo dat jy werklik ongelooflike seen in jou besigheid sal ervaar, want jy en jou “engele” verdien niks minder nie.

~Lynette Schoeman ~ 


I love Lindie! She is amazing with mom and she has managed to do the “impossible” – bless her!  I like the way she keeps me updated on mom during the day, she even sends me pictures of mom which is really sweet.  As Tamara says, she is a God-send.

Thank you for everything!

~ Ana Lourenco ~ 

Hi Christo

Namens my suster Louise wil ek net Jen’s Care bedank vir Ninifer. Sy was ongelooflik goed vir my suster en sy het baie lief vir Ninifer geword. Sy het ongelooflik gevorder na die operasie.

Julle het ‘n regte juweel in julle diens. 

~ Otto La Grange ~ 

Dit gaan baie goed met die ou moeder en Desi doen briljante werk met haar, Ek het na die eerste  week al so ‘n verbetering gesien; mamma is baie sterker en staan nou met ‘n loopraam op.


~ Jacqueline Smit ~ 

Today is Bongi’s last day and I would like to express my thanks to you and to her for taking care of my mom! My brother is due back today and my mom is adamant that she will manage on her own. I am sure it has not always been easy for Bongi because my mom can be stubborn and wants to do things by herself. I know the two of them have been cooking together on some days, so assume they must have gotten along really well!

We will not hesitate to use you again!

Kind regards

~ Anke Menelaou – 


Baie, baie dankie vir die professionele diens wat jy en Neli aan my ouers gelewer het.  Julle hulp het ‘n baie groot rol gespeel en groot bydrae gemaak tot my Pa se gesondheid wat so aansienlik verbeter het.

~  Mags Myburg ~

I am grateful for all Portia’s efforts with my mom. Her gentleness and understanding of mom’s Dementia was heartwarming. Your service was excellent. Thank you so much for everything!

~ Leslie Stevens ~ 

Ek wil net graag  baie dankie sê vir julle versorging van my moeder. Haar wonde het heeltemal genees as gevolg van die uitstekende  sorg deur Sindiswa en Valencia. Hulle het die lewe soveel makliker vir ons gemaak. Julle diens was regtig goed. Baie dankie!

~ Sandra du Toit ~

We are very impressed with your excellent service and the caregiver that looked after Dad. He recovered wonderfully with the exercises that Emily did with him. She did so much for him. She remained patient and gentle with him…. even on his off days! She made life much easier for the family. We will definitely recommend Jen’s Care Johannesburg’s services to those we know.  

~ Jennifer & Ron ~

Middag Christo

Wil ook net baie baie dankie sê vir julle fantastiese diens. Dit het regtig so groot verkil gemaak in so moeilike tyd. Ek sal enige iemand na julle toe aanbeveel as hul so ‘n diens benodig.

Julle doen alles met so ‘n mooi gesindheid.


~ Madeleine Eva ~

Nelisiwe is a true caregiver, who in my opinion has the qualities of a true nurse – compassion, empathy and sympathy towards her patients. 

During the time she looked after our Dad, no task was too big or too small.  Neli came into our lives during a difficult and trying time and took a big worry of our shoulders.

I still believe that Neli was a God sent, who crossed our paths at the right time.

It was a blessing that my sister discovered Jen’s Care on the Internet. 

~ Jolanda Stander ~

Hi Christo

Just a quick note to say, Thank you for the trouble you went through for providing my mum with the care givers at such a short notice. Both Florah and Lindiwe were very willing to assist where they could. Florah of course was the favourite. I think she really had a special bond with my mom.

A BIG THANK YOU on behalf of my Mum – we will definitely recommend your services to others.


~ Desiree Sharpe ~ 

Elderly Care